关于「 proportion」的内容列表

Pan Gongsheng: The central bank's funding support for affordable housing reloans has been increased from 60% to 100%.

On September 24th, Pan Gongsheng, the governor of the People's Bank of China, said that the central bank will optimize the policy of affordable housing refinancing, and the proportion of central bank funding support in the previously created 300 billion yuan affordable housing reloan will be increased from 60% to 100%.

2024-09-24 01:57:35
Morgan Stanley: The Bank of England's policy rhetoric may be subject to dovish fine-tuning

Morgan Stanley expects the Bank of England to vote 6-3 in favour of unchanged rates. But there could be a dovish shift in policy language, suggesting a move could come in November. "Given all the data since August and the size of the restrictions in place, we think the market should price a rate cut in September slightly higher. But even so, we don't think there is more than a 30 per cent chance of a rate cut."

2024-09-19 07:00:40
IntoTheBlock: 61% of ETH holders are currently profitable

According to IntoTheBlock, during the recent bear market, the share of profit holders fell to a low of 46%, and after the 2017 cycle, it fell to just 3%. This comparison shows that the current cycle of Ethereum has shown greater resilience, with many holders remaining profitable even during economic downturns, reflecting greater confidence in the long-term value of ETH. During 2019/2020, ETH's earnings address fell below 10% at one point. While a similar scenario could cause the bear market to r...

2024-09-16 09:20:06
Bitcoin's market share was 55.9%, a new high since April 2021

According to CoinMarketCap data, Bitcoin's market capitalization accounts for 55.9% of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization, a new high since April 2021, and ETH's market share is about 15%. It is worth noting that SOL's market capitalization reached a record high of 3.62% on July 29, surpassing BNB's 3.51%.

2024-08-07 04:01:17
ArkInvest will donate a fixed percentage of its revenue to fund open-source Bitcoin contributors

CathieWood's ArkInvest will donate a fixed percentage of its revenue to OpenSats to permanently fund open-source Bitcoin contributors.

2024-08-03 18:05:32
The application ratio of ZK airdrop tokens exceeds 90%.

The latest data from Dune shows that the application rate of ZK airdrop tokens has exceeded 90%, reaching 90.34% at the time of writing, and the current 3,319,849,040 ZK tokens have been applied for (the total amount of this airdrop is 3,675,000,000 ZK).

2024-06-26 04:10:30

7x24 快讯

16:48 2025-03-21
韩国金融当局正计划对 BitMEX、KuCoin、CoinW、Bitunix 和 KCEX 等未在金融情报机构(FIU)注册、却提供韩语网站服务的加密交易平台采取制裁措施。FIU 表示,上述交易所未按规定注册为虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP),因此被视为非法经营。相关官员称,正与韩国通信标准委员会协商,审议封锁这些未注册海外交易所访问权限的方案,预计年内将出台具体措施。
16:27 2025-03-21
16:09 2025-03-21
16:03 2025-03-21
16:00 2025-03-21
据@lookonchain 监测,一鲸鱼地址今日累计买入 7074 枚 ETH,按当前价格计算总价值约为 1380 万美元。 该地址 3 小时前从 OKX 提取 4511 枚 ETH(约 881 万美元),并将其存入 Aave 作为抵押,随后借出 500 万美元 USDT 并重新转入 OKX,用于买入额外的 2563 枚 ETH(约 500 万美元)。
16:00 2025-03-21
美国总统特朗普表示,与马斯克在美国国防部会晤,讨论成本和 DOGE 问题。
15:54 2025-03-21
Coinbase CEO:支持隐私保护,期待与财政部合作打击非法活动
Coinbase 首席执行官 Brian Armstrong 近日在社交媒体上就此前美财政部解除对 Tornado Cash 制裁一事发表看法:“没有人希望看到不法分子使用加密货币。但隐私对许多守法公民来说是一项重要功能,而且你不能制裁开源代码(这是一个言论自由问题)。很高兴看到这个问题得到解决。” 他补充道:“我们期待与财政部合作,寻找打击加密货币领域约 0.1%...
15:42 2025-03-21
15:39 2025-03-21
据Ethena官方声明,德国BaFin已通知其位于法兰克福的实体Ethena GmbH的MiCAR合规申请将不被批准,但该决定不影响USDe当前交易所上市及通过英属维京群岛实体Ethena (BVI) Limited的铸造与赎回服务。 Ethena强调,USDe仍为全额资产支持,不存在被“冻结”情况。未来将评估其他监管路径,并将在未来一周内修订相关服务条款以反映当前变化。该事件不影响大多数用户的正常使用流程。
15:39 2025-03-21
15:36 2025-03-21
MegaETH 宣布推出公共测试网,昨日向超 19 万个钱包空投测试网 ETH。
15:33 2025-03-21
据BaFin官网公告,德国金融监管局BaFin已叫停Ethena GmbH在德国发行USDe稳定币的新业务,理由是其在MiCAR许可流程中存在重大组织缺陷和合规违规行为,包括资产储备管理不当与资本金要求未达标。 BaFin已采取如下措施:冻结Ethena GmbH的资产储备、限制管理层对资产的处置权、关闭其官网相关功能、并指派专员监督执行。此外,BaFin还怀疑Ethena G...